Weber Grill Barbecue Shoot

man with arms spread stands behind a barbecue, grilling dinner in front of a industrial location outside shootingman with tattoos stands behind a barbecue, grilling dinner in an industrial Hall, location shootingman with beard and tattoos stands behind a barbecue, grilling dinner in an industrial Hall, location shootingman with allot of muscles stands next to a barbecue, grilling meat in an industrial Hall, location shooting wih hipster model

Weber Grill Barbecue Shoot

Start a family, conceive a child and plant a tree.  When is a man a man?  The barbecue is the last bastion of manhood.  The simple male mind has the opportunity to transform a piece of meat into a juicy steak.  Man controls fire and flesh.

These campaign photos were developed with strong support from the 3ltr. Agency. We had some fun with this ad that caters to the stereotype of the “manly man”.